Learn what fleet operators need to know about heat mitigation.

Thousands of van drivers and technicians are - well, truly feeling the heat this summer. A record-breaking heatwave has blanketed many countries, challenging industries’ productivity in many areas, and worker safety almost everywhere.

By now you’ve probably seen this video: UPS Driver Collapse In Extreme Arizona Heat. We also came across this article: UPS driver dies after collapsing in sweltering heat. When temperatures are so hot that it leads to driver fatigue and even death, something has to be done to prevent this from happening again.

Were the drivers dehydrated? Did the AC in their vehicles not work? Were they overworked in the heat? We’re not sure. But the point is - if you’re a Fleet Manager, you’re likely feeling the heat now to do whatever you can to make sure your drivers are as comfortable as possible. We’ve come up with 3 ideas to help.

3 Ways to Improve Driver Comfort in the Heat

#1 - Hydration & Their Day Schedule

This one might seem obvious - or expected - but hear us out. A recent study showed that most adults admit they don’t drink near enough water every day. One health adviser said it's important that you drink more water than normal when it's hot as your body is losing liquids at a higher rate. Perhaps drinking enough water on an extremely hot day is something we expect most adults to do as a matter of responsibility for their own health.

As drivers are expected to highly perform all day with telematics tracking their every move, perhaps they would rather keep working on the road rather than make a stop for water when they need it. Along with extreme heat outside, a couple missed water stops can lead to - as we’ve seen, dehydration, fatigue, and even death.

Maybe this means scheduling just one less delivery per driver every day in the summer months. Yes, one less delivery means less profit. But assuring the overall health and safety of your drivers on the road means higher driver retention and increased overall productivity.

It could even be something as simple as a message to drivers giving them re-assurance that water stops are allowed. Or, a program where water is provided at every dispatch during the summer months - could go a long way.

#2 - Dress Code

Drivers wearing uniforms ensures brand consistency, especially when your vehicle fleet is spread out across the country. But, moving into hotter temperatures, how much do your drivers’ uniforms change - or do they just keep wearing the same uniforms? OSHA recommends workers to wear lightweight, light colored, loosefitting clothes. Does that sound like your drivers’ uniforms?

Could you consider changing the dress code slightly during summer periods where temperatures have a tendency to get out of control? Maybe you make your policy more flexible during this time, where they can choose what they want to wear if new uniforms can’t be provided. If the vehicle they’re driving is branded, your brand will still shine!

This is just another idea to make your drivers as comfortable as possible. If they’re choosing what they’re wearing during their day on the road, chances are they’ll feel better, be even more productive, and most importantly, be comfortable in the heat.

#3 - Insulating Cargo Space where Drivers Work

Alright, here comes the shameless plug to end out this article. Well actually - no. We want to help you help your drivers (after all, we’re here to improve the ride for the legends of the road!)

Insulating your vehicles’ cargo space with insulated wall, ceiling, and door liners in your fleet van builds will have a tremendous effect on reducing the temperature where your drivers work and collect cargo. Maybe this isn’t a quick fix if your vans are already on the road. But before your next vans hit the road for your drivers to use, consider adding these trusted products to your van builds.

Insulated Ceiling Liners play a critical role in temperature control by creating a thermal barrier as the sun beats down onto the vehicles. Insulated Wall Liners also create a thermal barrier, especially when paired with a Ceiling Liner. Adding a Rigid Floor to the base of your upfit mitigates heat from the road, and together with a Ceiling and Wall liner, enhances the cargo space’s ability to handle extreme temperatures drastically.

Here at Legend, we call ourselves experts in driver safety because of our experience helping fleets of all sizes with our range of products. That’s why earlier this year, North America’s largest last-mile delivery logistics fleet reached out to us to develop a solution to deal with the surging temperatures experienced in their delivery vehicles.

After several months of product-in-vehicle testing in the hottest American cities like Phoenix and Houston, we created a solution of heat-mitigating products that reduces their cargo space interior temperature by up to 20°F!

Please, if you’re looking to mitigate heat in the cargo area of your vehicles, reach out to us. We want to help.


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